This is another game that is found in the medieval manuscript Libro de los Juegos of Alphonso X, the Wise of 1283. The game of the 'backgammon'-like
Game of the four seasons called the world, and
Grande acredex have been presented in previous blogposts. Four season chess is a medieval chess variant played on an 8x8 board by four players. It is reminiscent of the four person Indian chess variant Chaturaji, however the layout of the board and placement of the game pieces is different, allowing for a frontal clash between the players. Also, Chaturaji can be played with dice, which is not the case in this game. Interestingly, the placement of the elephants is such that a player has the elephant move on a different coloured square than both his direct opponents. Also note that green and black (brown) have their horse at right hand, whereas white and red have it at left.
Folio 88 verso. The set-up of four-season chess.
"Here begins another chess that was made after the four seasons of the year, which the ancient wise men divined
There is another chess that the ancient wise men made after the four seasons of the year and it was organized in this way: The first season is spring which begins in the middle of March and goes through the middle of June. The second season is summer which begins in the middle of June and goes through the middle of September. The third season is autumn which begins in the middle of September and goes through the middle of December. The fourth season is winter which begins in the middle of December and goes through the middle of March. And these four seasons are divided like the four elements. Spring is air; summer is fire; autumn is earth; winter is water.
And because as we said above in the first season, spring, all things grow and men are refreshed and the trees and plants turn green the reason why air is its element is clearer than for any other season; therefore they made this season green. And the summer which is hotter and drier than the other seasons they made it like fire, which is of this nature. And therefore they made this season red for it element which also is. The autumn is dry and cold because its element is earth; it is more temperate than summer because it tends more toward cold than heat. The things that burn in summer, are born and refreshed in this season. And because its element is earth, its nature coldness and dryness therefore they made this season’s colour black. Winter they gave the element water which is cold and wet because in that season there are great cold, ice, snow, and rains. And because its element is water they made its colour white. And this similarity they made according to the four humours that grow in the body of man, like blood, which they gave to spring; and choler, to summer; and melancholy, to autumn; and phlegm to winter.
Of the humours which grow in each season
Of these four seasons we described above, the first is spring. And the blood grows in it more than in all the others. And in the summer, choler; in the autumn, melancholy; and in the winter, phlegm.
The seasons are divided in this manner: spring is temperate because it is between winter which is very cold and summer which is very hot. According to the ancient wise men, it tends more towards warmth than cold because it takes more from summer which is coming than winter which is passed. Summer is hot and dry because of the warmth from the previous spring and the warmth of the coming autumn. Autumn is temperate and tends more towards cold than warmth because it is between summer which is very hot and winter which is very cold, taking more from the coming season than the past. Winter, which comes between autumn and spring, is very cold because it takes coldness from the previous autumn and from the coming spring. And in this way the seasons all take from one another. And like the four seasons and the four humours they divided the pieces of this chess into four parts, each with its own colour as you heard above, which suits each season. "

The set-up of our four-season chess board with the pieces.
The board
"How the four-seasons board is made and how many colours the pieces are and how they are arranged on it
This board should be made in this way: square with eight spaces per side
for a total of sixty-four. It is to have four lines in the shape of an
“x” that goes from the second [inside corner] square [b2, b7, g2, or g7]
and goes to the second [inside corner] square diagonally across. The
other line does the same. The one that goes through white squares is to
be black and the one that goes through black, white in order to divide
between the types of pieces. And these lines that cut through the
squares mark the direction in which the pawns are to move first – those
to the right move to the right and likewise for those to the left. They
capture forward and diagonally as pawns should capture. "
The game board is an 8 by 8 chequered board marked with a cross in the
middle 4 x 4 square. The cross has no other function than to aid the
player which side the pawns should move. Our board has a base of poplar
on which squares of maple and walnut are glued. The cross is made from
ebony, while the sides of the board are walnut as well. The backside
has a 10 by 10 chequered board, which can be used for draughts, decimal
chess or farmers chess (both are chess variants played in the middle
The game board has two sides because glueing on only one side would
cause the board to warp. Glueing has thus to take place at
the same time. We used a vacuum press to have an even pressure on all
the pieces. Finally, the board was flattened with a plane and scraper.
The grooves for the ebony inlay were then made with a router and the four ebony strips inserted, glued and planed as flat as the board. The board is finished with linseed oil.
Using a 90 degree set-up to build the board with the individual maple and walnut squares.
The back (left) and the front (right) of the chess board. The part that has to be glued is blank, while to good side is taped.
Left. The board is covered both sides in glue, the chess board is waiting to be added. Right. the vacuum pres set up. You can see the draughts board waiting for the rest of the board to be added. The grooves on the board underneath allow for the air to escape.
Left. The boards under vacuum pressure. A tube connects to the vacuum pump (right).
Both chequered sides of the board were made differently. For the 8 x 8
chess board all 64 squares were sawn separately, and then fitted and
taped together to make a board. Sawing individual squares on a saw
table, produced squares with slightly splintered edges. Someone (Frank) from our woodworking
course mentioned that it would be better to glue alternating strips of
maple and walnut, then cut this 'board' to new 'blocked' strips, which
in turn are used to form a chequered board. This easier method was used for the 10 x
10 board at the back of the four season chess board, and had no problem of splintering edges.
Both glued sides of the boards. The 'draughts' board on the left is still a 12 x 10 board.
Two rows will be sawn off to make it square.
The finished 10 x 10 draughts board.
The gaming pieces
"And these pieces are thirty-two in total
and are to be set up in the four corners of the board. Each arrangement
is to have eight pieces that are a king, a rook, a knight, a fil, and
four pawns. All pieces are to move wherever they want according to their
movements in the other chess that is more common. And this is their
arrangement: the kings are placed in the corner most squares on the
board. The rook is next to the king, the knight is on the other, and
the fil in front of him. Two pawns face one side of the board and the
other two face the other. In this chess there is no fers until one of
the pawns is promoted.
And there are four kings and four men each with his pieces of his colour
are to play on it. And the colours are these four that we have said
correspond to the seasons. Spring’s pieces are green; summer’s are red; autumn’s black, and winter’s white."
The gaming pieces were made in clay by Anne, and glazed green (spring), red (summer), brown (instead of black) (autumn) and white (winter). They are hollow, like the game pieces she made for Grande Arcedex.
The board is set-up with the pieces arranged in the corners: the king in the utmost corner, surrounded by the knight, elephant (alffil, bishop) and rook, which are in turn surrounded by 4 pawns. Each set of two pawns move in the direction they face, and promote only if they reach that opposite site into a vizier or general (ferz). The movement of the queen is one step diagonally in all directions. Movement of the other pieces is as normal in medieval chess, with the elephant jumping 2 places diagonally.
The game
"On how they are to begin to play with these pieces
The player with the green pieces is to play first and he should move
towards his right, towards the other player who has the red pieces. This
is like spring moving towards summer. He who has the red pieces should
also play towards the other player who has the white pieces at the same
time defending himself from green. The one with the black pieces is to
play also towards his right, against the player who has the white
guarding always from attack from the player with the red pieces. He who
has the white pieces should do the same, guarding against attack from
black. After [the first move] each player may move according to his
And thus in playing these four players take from one another like the
seasons of the year which also take from one another. And each of these
four players should make an opening wager. Thereafter for each piece
that a player loses he should pay an amount as well as for each check
given to a king.
And when a player is checkmated he pays the victor an amount for as many
pieces as he has on the board and then removes his pieces. Of the three
players that remain thereafter, the first to be defeated leaves on the
board as much as he has won and an amount for each of his pieces that
remain when he is checkmated. Of the two remaining players, the one who
wins takes all the money on the board plus the loser gives him an amount
for each of his remaining pieces."
Green starts, which is logical for spring, with a move towards red (summer). Then, players play in the order of the seasons, each with a starting move towards the next season. After the first moves, players can choose their own pieces and direction. When a player mates another king, he gets all remaining pieces from that side. The mated player is out of the game. If a player stalemates a king, the stalemated player is out of the game and all his pieces are removed from the board. The winner is the last King present on the board.
Another view of the 'Four season' chess set.
If you want to follow King Alfonso exactly, wagers should be placed on the pieces, as well as each check on the king.