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Tuesday 18 September 2012

Two strycsittens and some chests

Just an occasional library loan of a book on Dutch furniture happened to contain an image of an thus-far unknown strycsitten. More surprisingly, it was found at the place of an antique dealer! So it can happen that these rare pieces of medieval (or in this case 16th century) furniture are still for sale....

This 16th century strycsitten has a width of 130 cm, height of 87 cm and is 52 cm deep. The legs also serve as holds for the moving backrest. The model is typical of the French strycsitten type. Image from 'Het Nederlandse Meubelboek' by A.C.H. Hofstede (Waanders Uitgeverij, Zwolle, the Netherlands, 2006). Located at Aad Penders. De Eenhoorn Aniek, Zaltbommel, the Netherlands.

Anne encountered the second strycsitten during a trip to Innsbruck, Austria at the Tiroler Landesmuseum. In this museum a range of original small houses (stuben) with their interior from previous centuries has been built. The strycsitten comes from a house dating from the 15-16th century.

 This stycsitten is of the German type, with a chest beneath the seating planks.

There are more medieval type furniture pieces to be found in the Tiroler Landesmuseum. Below some examples of chests.

Two arks or 'Dachtruhen'. These type of chests were already found in the 13th century, and remained popular in farming communities during later centuries. The lock of the top ark is medieval.

An iron plated 'Kastentruhe' (plinth chest) with a small 'Dachtruhe' (ark) on top of it. The ark and the plinth of the iron chest are decorated by chip carving


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